Frem: The establishment of “The Vanguards of Al-Aqsa Flood” by Hamas in Lebanon is dangerous and rejected

The chairman of “Project Watan’s” Executive Board, Deputy Neemat Frem, denounced the announcement by the Hamas movement in Lebanon regarding the establishment of “The Vanguards of Al-Aqsa Flood” in our country, deeming it “dangerous and totally rejected by all Lebanese.”


He stated: “This reminds us all of the dark days when the Lebanese people supported and assisted the Palestinian Cause with good intentions and great courage. As a result, things turned around, the situation was exploited, and Lebanon was on the verge of becoming an alternative homeland for Palestinians.”


He added: “Today, we do not accept this. We refuse that the hospitable spirit of the Lebanese and their openness to a just cause turn Lebanon into a hostage of the ongoing conflict and lure our homeland into the trap of war.


The lawmaker recalled that “Lebanon has contributed, supported and endorsed the Palestinian Cause like no other did or is doing now. Lebanon is currently paying the price for this path in blood and with martyrs. Today, it is our duty as Lebanese and all parties involved to demonstrate sufficient awareness and raise a unified voice, to say out loud that we have learned harsh lessons from history, and our memory is burdened with suffering, aggressions, and transgressions. We do not want to go back to this once again.”


He concluded: “At the same time, I am struck by the coincidence of this issue with the crisis related to the Army Command. Our national army, which is supposed to be the guardian and guarantor of the Palestinian presence in Lebanon, controlling any chaos and safeguarding national sovereignty, is currently facing intentions to undermine its command and scatter its tasks, at a time when questions are raised about the expansion and empowerment of the Palestinian movement. We refuse, on the one hand, the announcement by the Hamas movement in Lebanon of the establishment of the “Vanguards of Al-Aqsa Flood” in our country, and we support, on the other hand, the steadiness of the national military institution in its command and tasks.”

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